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Contact Us/Product

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Please read the Privacy Policy below before sending your inquiry.

  Seiko Coffee Co., Ltd. may provide your personal   information to the extent necessary for questioning, presenting or applying   prize, e-mail delivery, inquiries etc. in order to provide better service to   you.In case of offering, we will limit it as much as possible. We will   contact you in advance if you need to use your personal information beyond   the scope of purpose stated when you provide personal information from our   customers. If you do not agree with a new purpose, you can refuse such use at   your own discretion.

The collected personal information is in conformity with Article 51 of the Occupation Security japanese Law (strict observance of confidentiality) and the Personal Information Protection Japanese Law, it is confidential, and there is no unauthorized access to personal information, its loss, leakage, tampering etc So we have a thorough information management system throughout the organization.

Click "I agree to the privacy policy" to agree to the above provision regarding the handling of personal information.

Please fill in the required fields () and click "Proceed to the confirmation screen".
There are 10 fields you need to fill in.